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PolarSoft's products make use of the BACnet® communications standard. This standard, ISO 16484-5, also known as ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2020 and its subsequent addenda, represent over 30 years of effort and tens of thousands of hours of development by manufacturers, consulting engineers, building owners, facility managers, academic and government institutions.
The resulting standard has been widely adopted by over 1300 vendors of building automation and control equipment, mechanical equipment, HVAC&R, lighting, fire/life safety and other related types of building systems.
The birth of an open standard into what have been traditionally closed and proprietary industries, has enabled new classes of products and tools to be developed.
PolarSoft has been at the forefront of the development of this technology, and a significant force in both its design and adoption worldwide. PolarSoft's products represent the broadest range of third-party BACnet software products available anywhere.